TEF Canada Exam Practice Program
Program Features
- FOUR Complete Exam Simulations
- Exclusive Video Lessons on Exam Structure and Best Practices
- Grammar and Vocab Revision Resources
- Exam Prep Templates and Vocab Study Resources
- Model Answers for Writing
- One-to-One Feedback Session at the end of the program
Query Resolution Support via Dedicated WhatsApp Group
Program fees are non-refundable under any circumstances once purchase has been made.
Enrollment in this program requires intermediate proficiency in French. The assessment and determination of this requirement are solely at the discretion of BBarters.
All students must join the designated Program Classroom to access materials, receive feedback, and view scores for exam simulations. We do not provide any app.
In case a student is not able to correctly access the program due to some technical issues on their side, BBarters may offer help and support. However, BBarters can not guarantee resolution of such issues on a student's end.
Students must complete all exam simulations within the stipulated five-week access period from the date of purchase. No extensions will be granted under any circumstances.
Students must direct any program-related questions or doubts regarding content, assignments, or study material to the official WhatsApp group dedicated to the program.
Only those students who complete all exam simulations (all sections) will qualify for the one-on-one feedback session.
Scores obtained in the exam simulations are indicative and reflect the student’s effort, sincerity, and proficiency during the program. BBarters does not guarantee identical scores in the actual TEF Canada exam.
If an instructor is unavailable for a scheduled feedback session due to exceptional reasons, the student will be informed via email and/or the Official Program WhatsApp group. The session will be rescheduled at the earliest possible opportunity.
All program content, including study resources and session videos, is the exclusive intellectual property of BBarters. Unauthorized distribution or sharing of this content, either publicly or privately, for financial or non-financial gain, is strictly prohibited. Violators will be subject to legal action.
You agree to share information entered on this page with BBarters (owner of this page) and Razorpay, adhering to applicable laws.