SM : Oliveboard
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# Law Entrance Preparation Course

Program Description

# This course has been developed by Success Mantra Smart Coaching and Oliveboard Comptech Pvt Ltd.

Fee breakup

# Fee is standard and as mentioned on Web pages.

Name of the organiser

# Success Mantra Smart Coaching, 113, Ground Floor, Mall Road, Kingsway Camp, Delhi 110009 | 8588876885 |

The fee once paid is not refundable under any circumstances. However, the fee may be refunded only if “Success Mantra Smart Coaching” fails to start a course (not applicable for unavoidable instances). Delay in starting of the class by a fortnight shall not be considered as not starting. After depositing money towards registration, if a student due to any reason whatsoever wants to take his/her money back after enrollment, the Institute will not refund or adjust the money deposited towards the Registration fee/Admission fee.
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