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Salt Cave Experience

Spending an hour at Salt World's Salt Cave is equal to spending several days in the beach. Salt Cave Therapy or Halotherapy is very beneficial for overall wellness by removing the toxicity from the respiratory system, improving the function and appearance of the skin, boosting the immune system, reduce stress, and aid better sleep. Head to this man made Salt Cave which is constructed using tons and tons of pure sea salt.

Sensory Deprivation / Float Therapy

A sensory deprivation tank, also called a float tank or

isolation tank offers a distraction free environment that helps you experience a completely relaxed float therapy. It helps your mind and body to relax in a zero-gravity environment. Floating in a sensory deprivation tank helps in reducing stress and anxiety, muscle relaxation, better sleep and decreased pains. Floating allows your mind to enter to a meditative state where you can dissolve your stress, anxiety, panic, depression and reconnect with yourself.

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