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Cost per book per Child
Rs.60 will get a Ramayanam book for a rural child. You may sponsor as many you wish.
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Books Donation Drive - Sri RamaNavami
390 sold out of 3K
33 supporters
1037 days left

Namaste ! Jai Sri Ram !

Lord Sri Ram is the symbol of righteousness. Everyone in His “Sri Rama Rajyam” lived in harmony with a peaceful life. The life and message of Sri Rama needs to be spread across across India, particularly to the young audience. Given the problems like Covid that the World is facing today, we need to equip and prepare our children to face the challenges of tomorrow.

Educating Children on the role & importance of a leading a simple life with ethics, values, personal hygiene are much more essential. Rural communities are vulnerable and they need this education and awareness than any others. It is evident that in times like Covid-19, they are ones to get affected first.

Sri Ramayanam Book Campaign

for Sri Rama Navami 2022

Our has been successful for past 4 years in educating the rural Children on various life skills. A sustainable self-reliant model of living has to be introduced to them.

For this Sri Rama Navami, we intend to distribute & propagate the glory of Sri Ram Prabhu. “Sri Ramayanam” story book suitable for the rural children in simple Tamil with colourful illustrations is to be published. We also intend to reprint our existing activity & colouring books on Sri Ramayana.

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