Program name
# IIT+ FOUNDATION 2025-26 programs
Program Description
# Program to coach students for Std.,8,9,10 for IIT+ FOUNDATION programs useful for Engineering, Pure Sciences & Medical aspirants.
Name of the Institute :
IITian's Prashikshan Kendra Pvt. Ltd. (IITPK)
Call : 7066256256
Website : www,iitpk.com
Please note that the enrolled student must comply with the rules & regulations of IITPK during his / her tenure of studying with IITPK. If for any reason, the student wants to quit the GM program, then refund rules are as under :
• 100% refund of Fees (excluding GST) is given if refund application is submitted in proper format before the commencement date of the enrolled program OR within seven days of date of admission whichever is later.
• 50% of the refund of paid fees (excluding GST) is given if refund application is submitted in proper format after 7 days and before one month of the commencement date of the enrolled program OR within 30 days of date of admission whichever is later.
• No refund of paid fees is given if refund application is submitted after one month of the commencement date of the enrolled program OR after 30 days of date of admission whichever is later.
• Proper format means conveying your decision to withdraw from the enrolled program and stating bonafide reasons via email to admin@iitpk.com
• Enrolled program is deemed to have commenced once any lecture or guidance session (variously termed as PRIMER / REFRESHERS /ORIENTATION / FORMAL sessions in offline or online mode) is conducted by IITPK.
• GST component of paid fees is never refunded to parents under any circumstances and is paid to the GSTN Dept only.
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