Learn everything you need to start your own business - coming up with great ideas, building a product or service, getting customers, growing the business, and managing your hard earned money.
This masterclass is created by Kalpit Veerwal, Founder and CEO of AcadBoost Technologies, an EdTech company that has scaled to multiple crores in profit in just 4 years with zero external investment.
I will be sharing all the knowledge and insights learned in this journey with you, helping you build your own startup.
This is a beginner friendly course, and does not have any pre requisites. You can use it as a student, professional, or an entrepreneur who wants to learn more.
The course will have videos & slides explaining everything you need to know to start your own company. You will sent an invite to the course via email, kindly check the spam folder in case you don't see it. Contact care@acadboost.com for queries.