AaptPrep Coaching
CAT 24 + GMAT Recorded Online Program
Program Description
- 550+ hours of Recorded Online Class Sessions on CAT & GMAT by the top faculty from Harvard University and IIMs.
- All India Test Series comprising of 30 Mock papers based on CAT pattern & 20 Computer based test on GMAT pattern.
- All India Test Series comprising of 20 Mock papers based on other management entrance tests like CMAT, XAT, IIFT, SNAP,MAT, IBSAT, Mh-CET etc.
- Study Material e-books – 30 eBooks and detailed explanations on Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Critical Reasoning Vocabulary, General Awareness, Current Affairs and General Knowledge, GMAT Integrated Reasoning, GMAT Sentence Correction, GMAT Data Sufficiency.
- 500+ Daily Practice tests to measure your performance.
- One to one mentoring by the top faculty from Harvard University and IIMs.
In-depth analysis of of your performance in All India Mock tests.
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