Payment Details
Full Name
If this donation is a gift to someone, please enter their name instead of yours.
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Please enter 10 digit Indian mobile number.
PAN is necessary to get deduction under Income Tax Act. This should be of the person making the payment.
Number of Saplings to Donate
Tree Plantation Donation at Pune
₹ 7,66,613 of ₹ 10,00,000 collected
280 days left

Thank you so much for your support!

Please join WhatsApp group for regular Plantation updates:

This tree plantation at Pune includes buying the sapling on your behalf and getting it ready for the plantation day at the decided place by Nelda.

Please note - we plant saplings only in the monsoon season. The general donations we receive throughout the year are put together in the plantation fund used to buy and plant saplings during June-September.

You can share your contact number with Nelda to receive plantation updates, or you can follow us on social media to receive plantation updates.

Breakup of expenses:

Rs. 350 for purchasing 7-8 feet indigenous sapling

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