Stepping out of Habits: on online programme organised by NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health os 13-18 June, 2022
Man is enslaved by habits. Not only is his body imprisoned by them but his mind and emotional responses repeatedly travel down the same embedded grooves. It is one reason why we feel so suffocated. Nothing clogs and twists our nature more than bad habits. They support a whole range of human afflictions and create an attritional and enduring aspect to our suffering.
Not surprisingly then, working on them is perfect training for life. It is an important aspect to the practice of Integral Yoga. If one conquers habit one has gone very far in this yoga. And conquer it, we must! But how can something so immoveable and fixed get taught to float away? We need to know where they come from before even thinking of dislodging them.
This workshop, with six different facilitators, will look at the genesis of habits and how they can be transformed for good. Join us for this important workshop.
Workshop fee: Rs. 2,000
US$ 32
The Zoom link and passcode will be circulated on the morning of the 13th of June
13th Dr. Alok Pandey: The Knot of Habits
14th Dr. Yogesh Mohan: Consciously Transforming our Habiits
15th Dr. Monica Gulati: Becoming Conscious of our Habituated Mind
16th Aditi Kaul: An Approach towards making Consciousness-based Life Choices
17th James Anderson: Working on your Habits
18th Dr. Soumitra Basu Working on the physical mind to control habitual patterns
About the facilitators
Dr. Alok Pandey is a medical doctor specialising in psychiatry, practising at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. He has conducted several workshops on diverse subjects in India and abroad and contributed numbers of articles on different subjects in various Indian and International journals. He has authored three books and also edits All India Magazine, a monthly journal of the Sri Aurobindo Society. He is also a Founder-Editor of NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health.
Dr. Yogesh Mohan MD (JIPMER), the Founder of ‘Consciousness as Medicine’,
trained in modern medicine, has a profound understanding of Yogic Psychology and a rich clinical experience using consciousness as therapy. He brings the essence of deeper insights and practices developed over more than 20 years of inner work. Based in Chennai, he is also the CEO of Saveetha Medical College & Hospital.
Dr. Monica Gulati is an immunologist by training, who realised that scientific research was not her calling while studying at the University of Zurich. Cancer was her wake-up call:
it made her realise that her truth was the way of the heart. She lives fearlessly through every movement, reading every inner message in meeting the challenges of existence. A relentless explorer, she feels graced to be on this inner journey, hand-in-hand with her
Aditi Kaul is a seeker currently volunteering at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram – Delhi Branch, who explores life through the lens of Integral Yoga. She has made it her life purpose to bring the perennial wisdom of self-knowledge to the field of psychology and develop ways to facilitate an integral way of living. ‘Conscious living is a full-time job’ is her living aspiration. Currently, she teaches Integral Yoga Psychology at university level and conducts sessions on Self-observation, using a dialogue-based enquiry approach.
James Anderson met life-threatening illness when 21, before working at the Lloyd’s
Market in London for 16 years and later as a Director. A sudden calling changed his life and he came to India. He has remained in Pondicherry since 2000. A writer, healer and teacher, he is Coordinating Editor of NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health. He has recently published, A Torch in the Dark, a book that examines human growth in an integral and experiential way.
Dr. Soumitra Basu is a consultant psychiatrist based in Kolkata and Pondicherry, who works with Consciousness paradigms in health and psychology. He conducts workshops on personal growth and is a Founder-Editor of NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health. He is author of Integral Health and has developed a module of Consciousness-based Psychology with Michael Miovic (US), based on the wisdom of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.