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Enterprise Risk Print Subscription

[For delivery in India only]

The Enterprise Risk Magazine is the official publication of the Institute of Risk Management and it is the leading quarterly title for enterprise risk professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners, and chief executives, with a digital footprint of over 15,000. 

The magazine is a ‘must read’ for those involved in enterprise risk management (ERM) from board level down, including business owners and entrepreneurs looking to implement or enhance risk management functions in their organisations. Add this to your subscription list of business magazines in India.

Editorial subjects cover the whole spectrum of risk-related topics, including employment and people; supply chains; risk management tools; political risk; information technology and information systems; emerging risk; crisis; careers and recruitment; security; and compliance

1. Delivery will take 10-15 working days for each issue. 2. All prices are inclusive of GST at 18%. 3. GST No.: 27AAICG1094K1ZB.
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