Educating the 3rd Child Project
Donation Cause
Your support is a life-changer for these brilliant and hard-working children.
Campaign starts on
# Date and time of the start of the drive
Campaign ends on
# Date and time of the end of the drive
Organiser details
Educational Technology & Management Academy is a non-government, non-profit registered Trust Institution working in technical and management education, higher, school and vocational education. ETMA pioneers in research and development in education; helps and advises governments on educational policies and reforms agenda; collaborates with private enterprises in establishing and managing educational institutions and quality management; offers capacity-building programmes to management, principals, teachers and non-teaching staff; offers life skills programmes to students.
Tax exemption details
ETMA divests its resources for philanthropy and quality education of the deprived children Donations to ETMA is exempted from Income Tax under 80G of IT Act.
Campaign images
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