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Exploring the Chakras

Exploring the Chakras within a Transformative Paradigm: an online course with Dr.Soumitra Basu organised by NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health from 31 st January to 5 th February 20222022 with sessions at 4pm IST with 1:30 hours duration

We invite you to join Dr. Soumitra Basu on a journey of discovery into the chakras through the lens of Integral Yoga.

Sri Aurobindo focuses on the central truth of the chakras without subjection to the old forms and symbols. I n the older system, the awakening of the Kundalini has been adopted and became risky when proper guides were no longer available. Sri Aurobindo described that the Force of Transformation could open the chakras from above downwards in a new denouement that is less hazardous. However, here, no external guide is needed. What is

needed is the Inner Guide or psychic being, that is distinct from the heart chakra and facilitates the Descent of the Force of transformation.

In this workshop, we will focus on the psychological approach to these centres of consciousness from the perspective of Consciousness-based Psychology.

Dr. Soumitra Basu is a consultant psychiatrist, practising in Kolkata and Pondicherry. He works with Consciousness paradigms of health and psychology. He conducts workshops on personal growth and is a Founder-Editor of NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health.

He is author of the book, Integral Health. He is deeply interested in the interplay of Aurobindonian metaphysics and mental health. He has developed a module of Consciousness-based Psychology (CBP) and, along with Dr. Michael Miovic of USA, has authored a book on CBP (in the press), which looks at psychopathology and counselling from an entirely new perspective that arises from the experiential teachings of Sri Aurobindo and

The Mother. He can be accessed at .

Registration fee: Rs. 2,000

To register from outside India: $32

Zoom link and passcode will be circulated on the morning of 31 st January, 2022

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