Payment Details
Pickup Name
Phone Pickup
Address Pickup
Pickup Pin Code
Delivery Name
Delivery Mobile
Delivery Address
Delivery Pin Code
Shipment Description And Aprx Value
Enter Shipment weight in KG
147 Rs Per KG
Shipstar Retails Soloution

Shipping Charges

# 147 Rs KG/ Shipment

Pickup Date

Dear Customer,

Your Shipment will be picked up in next 24hrs (working Hrs)

How It Works

Step 1:

Fill in your courier Pickup & Delivery Details. Enter the shipment's exact weight and make Pay your Shipping charges.


After making your payment you will receive the courier slip on your registered Email Id, You need to take a Print out and past it to the courier.

Step 3:

In 24 hrs our courier Pickup boy comes to your pickup address please handover the shipment to him and then your courier will be delivered it to the consignee in 3-5 days.

Our Address Details:

D-41, Sector 59 Noida

Uttar Pradesh


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