Payment Details
3 Months Quartely Fees Amount
3 Months Quartely Course Fees Payment

Program name

# Name of the course

# Beginners / Professional / Advanced Music Courses

# Piano 3 Months Course Fees

# Guitar 3 Months Course Fees

# Keyboard 3 Months Course Fees

# Trinity Music Courses for All Levels

Program Description

# Course description with highlights and benefits to attendees

We are Conducting all Music Courses in Payment Options like Monthly / 3 Months / 6 Months / Yearly .

Fee breakup

# Fee structure for activities of the course / workshop / membership

# Standard 3 Months - Quarterly Course Fees is Rs.4000/-

Name of the organiser

# Organisation / Organizer description with address and contact information

Music Class Master Name : Mr. Sam Gibson

Location Address : Gibson Music Academy, New No. 52/3, Old No. 43/3, Next to 3rd Building of KFC /McDonald, 11th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600083

All Course Music Classes Fees Collected will not be refunded under any circumstances, Students will continue the classes properly from admission and make the fees on time without any delay. Otherwise Further Classes will not be taken to them.
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