Life of Simple Treats (LOST)
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Office Hours with @architlost

Set up a call with me, Archit Agarwal, a food content creator and marketer.

My name is Archit (@architlost) on Instagram. I am a content creator. My award-winning website and profile are one of the fastest-growing blogs in India. I also lead the digital, design, and influencer marketing teams at The Mavericks, a marketing startup based out of New Delhi.

I am a marketing veteran and have consulted a variety of brands across the food, B2B technology, and development sectors with a deep focus on content strategy and thought leadership.

I hold a double degree in Biology and Communication from Denison University, a liberal arts college based in the United States. I have been featured in various publications, including Times of India, The Hindu, The Print, LBB, iDiva among others. I am also a TEDx Speaker.

Connect with me for:

  • Food Industry insights: Building an app or starting a restaurant? Come let's connect!
  • Building social media communities: You want to be a content creator and can't figure out how to grow? I might be able to help!
  • Growing a brand through social media: Brand communication over social media is varied. Not all brands need to be on Instagram. Is your social media strategy correct for your business needs? Let's put them to the test!
  • Thought leadership training: Any business today needs to be lead by a face not by a logo. Let me help your professional brand!
  • Content creation consultations: Need to figure out how to shoot? Building a podcast? I have built platforms from scratch. Let me tell you how to iron out all the little issues that come along the way!
  • Study abroad consults: I studied in America with a 50% scholarship and have lots of tips!
Once Confirmed, you will receive an email from to block time with me through the week. Typically this will be between 8-11 pm however, we can connect offline and decide a convenient time if the timings don't work. Once purchased, we will not be able to refund the fees. However, we can move the time, if needed. Each call will be for one hour over Zoom or the best option available at the time (virtual only).
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