Markazul Ma arif
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Markazul Ma’arif, a Non-Government Organisation strives to work for the upliftment of economically and educationally backward segment of society. Since its inception Markazul Ma’arif has been uninterruptedly materializing various schemes and plans in different fields. Markaz has already carved a niche for itself in the heart of people with its wide network of activities throughout the country. Markazul Ma’arif plays an active role in relief and rehabilitation operation for victims of natural calamities. It caters to the need of the people irrespective of their caste, creed and religion by providing them with food, clothing and medicine.

NB: I request all our Indian benevolent donors to mention their name and PAN (Permanent Account No.) in the remarks column of the transfer details and send us the details of the transfer via email on
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