What we do with your donations
1. Education: JWP Mera Sahara Project is a protection centre with a non-formal bridge school. It works for the all-around development of children to become confident, informed, responsible citizens, at par with children of mainstream schools. Children are exposed to mainstream schools by enabling them to participate in child-related programmes and competitions. These efforts have helped them to shed their sense of inferiority and instill a positive outlook on life and their future.
2. Women’s Empowerment. Without women being sensitized, informed and conscious of their identity as citizens and mothers, children will have no direction. Therefore, JWP conducts adult education, skill training for economic stability for women. Healthcare, information on law and policies, community awareness and gender sensitization programmes are alco conducted.
3. Community Programmes for Sensitization and training of parents, leaders, to organize and strengthen a ‘watch dog’ group which oversees the running of the Centre and prevents violence against women and children. Empowerment programmes for women and men to become conscious of their identity, economically self-sufficient, adding to the family earnings for a healthy, dignified life. Tailoring and designing, beautician courses and cooking are conducted. Computer education and the National Institute for Open Schooling (NIOS) classes for further education.
- All contributions are eligible for deductions under sec 80G of the Income Tax Act
- Your Tax Receipt will be sent to the email id shared
- You can Make One-Time payments using any payment mode.