Help To Cure Foundation
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Fire Destroys 3000 huts in Malad
₹ 70,054 of ₹ 2,16,000 collected
47 supporters

Huge Fire Destroys more than 3000 huts in sums of Malad 

Location: Appa Pada, Anand Nagar.

There houses were burn due cylinder blast, there were more than 50 cylinder blast which turned this area a huge fire ball destroying everything in its way.

These people lost their belongings there clothes everything.

BMC has come in support with free meals to the victims but there many other things which are needed in day to day life.

These people are struggling hard to survive, So in support of this we Help To Cure Foundation are planning to distribute some daily necessities.

As we made a survey in this area and talked to the victims we got to know about their basic requirements which includes.

Tarpoline ( Tadpatri)


Mat ( Chatai)


Drinking Water


People of this area has lost their shelter and everything we appeal and request you all to please come forward and extend your arms in support of this fire victims.

Tarpoline - Rs 165 

Mat (Chatai) - Rs 135

Bedsheets- Rs 120

Bottle of water - Rs 7 

Biscuits-Rs 5

Total cost of the kit is Approax. Rs 432

Cost for 10 kits - Rs 4320

We are planning to distribute total 500 kits

Total campaign cost approx - Rs 216000

Lets come together and help this victim.

Thanks and Regards

Help To Cure Foundation

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