Concern India Foundation was set up in 1991 as a registered non-profit, public charitable trust. Our motto is ‘Helping People Help Themselves’ by making the disadvantaged self-reliant and enabling them to lead
a life of dignity. Our focus areas of education, health, and community development address crucial aspects of human development and well-being.
Our on ground experience enables a sustainable foundation for our programmes, catalysing and achieving self dependent communities.
We work:
- With grassroot organisations that have passion and purpose, but are strapped for funds. We help such organisations with not only funding but also capacity building, systems and planning, so that they are able to continue their work even after the duration of our support. This has been instrumental in bringing about positive change in the lives of various vulnerable groups.
- In direct implementation projects we design, customise and implement projects independently and in collaboration with others. This is done through addressing the needs on the ground and providing effective design strategies to give an impetus to the communities. The aim is to uplift and empower marginalised and underprivileged populations.
Through initiatives such as scholarships, girl child education, livelihood support, watershed management, training NGOs, village development and mangrove conservation, we have touched the lives of children,
youth, women, people with disabilities, elderly, farmers, weavers and other vulnerable individuals in both rural and urban areas.
In the last 3 decades of existence, Concern India
Foundation has partnered with 4,000 NGOs across the country through our team's presence in Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Pune. It has led to a significant impact on over 54,00,000 marginalised and
underprivileged people across 16 states in India.
This is a testament to our commitment and dedication to
creating a more inclusive and equitable society. Our efforts have undoubtedly made a significant difference, in helping people help themselves and enabling
them to lead lives of dignity.
Tax exemption details
Concern India Foundation posts a receipt for all donations within 30 working days to the contact details mentioned. Tick the statement above if you have donated Rs.500 or less and you do not wish to receive a receipt from Concern India Foundation.
Tax Exemption Status
Donations to Concern India Foundation are exempt from income tax under section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1962. Tax Exemption is not useful for foreign nationals as it may not be valid in their country.