Blue Cross Of India
Payment Details
Occasion Date and Details
Donating to commemorate occasion-pl mention the occasion and date. Donation to be used for a specific purpose-pl mention here
PAN Number
Sponsor A Rescue
Sponsor Feeding A Shelter Cat for a Month
Sponsor Feeding A Shelter Dog for a Month
Sponsor Vaccinations for a Pup
Sponsor An ABC Surgery
Animal Birth Control Surgery For Street Dog Cat
Sponsor Feeding A Shelter Cow for a Month
Sponsor Feeding A Shelter Horse for a Month
Sponsor Feeding Of All BCI Animals For A Day
Choose your occasion - an anniversary, a wedding, a birthday or in memory of..
Associate Life Member Of Blue Cross Of India
Donation for all other animal welfare activities
Sponsor Vaccinations for a Kitten
Donate to the voiceless of Blue Cross

Donation Cause

All 2000 beating hearts in the Blue Cross wish you the very best of health and prosperity.

The Blue Cross Guindy Shelter has both permanent and in-patient animal hospital residents consisting of Cows, Buffalos, Bulls, Dogs, Cats, Pups and Kitten, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Pigs, Horses, Donkeys, and many other small animals, birds, and reptiles.

Your donation goes directly to the care of these voiceless animals.

We have a large pool of dedicated volunteers and professionals who happily give off their time and effort on a purely honorary basis to look after much of the administration and special projects 

like our annual Great Indian Dog Show and the adoptathons. 

Many of our special rescues are done by volunteers. 

All this ensures that most of the donations received by us go into helping animals without being eroded by "administrative expenses".

All our ambulance services are done with no charge and treatment of all rescued animals are borne from our donations.

Tax exemption details

The sponsorship amount is a donation and will, therefore, be tax-exempt according to Sec 80G of the Income Tax Act.

Donations are exempt from Income Tax under section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1964 vide letter DIR (E) no212(940)/73 dated 11/04/2008 of the Director of Income Tax (Exemption), Chennai- 600034. Charitable Institutions are not required to affix revenue stamp on the receipt under schedule| ART 53 exemption (b) of the Indian Stamp act
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