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BhāratShakti | Renaissance

BhāratShakti is an institute of Sri Aurobindo Society, with an aspiration to rediscover the immortal Bhārata Shakti, the living energy, the force that is behind India’s persistence, survival and revival, which will lead her towards a new future, a renaissance that is true to her spirit, to her swadharma and swabhāva. It is guided by a mission to dynamically apply the inner genius of India, her spirituality, to life and all its activities necessary for the building of a new India.

Our Mission

• To facilitate a deeper appreciation and understanding of Sri Aurobindo’s vision of India’s destined work for the future of humanity

• To design and curate inspiring educational programmes that emphasize the dynamic application of spirituality to life and all its activities necessary for the building of a new India

• To create, curate and disseminate inspiring and research-based content related to what Sri Aurobindo speaks of as soul, mind and body of India’s rich and diverse culture

• To evoke among the young and young-at-heart a great love for India, pride in India’s heritage and an aspiration and will to create an even greater future

Renaissance Journal

One of our key works involves curating and publishing a free monthly online journal, Renaissance with its focus on Integral Yoga for India’s Rebirth. The journal disseminates inspiring content on diverse topics concerning India’s past, present and future in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s vision for India and her role in the future of humanity.

All our work is offered in the spirit of seva at the feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and in service of our beloved Motherland. We appeal to your generosity and earnestly request to donate for our works. Your voluntary financial contributions will go a long way in ensuring that we provide excellent programmes and inspiring content every month.

~ In gratitude,

Beloo Mehra, PhD

Director, BhāratShakti

Editor, Renaissance

Contact Us:

WhatsApp - 9786457648

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