Nanco Nutrition
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250 GMS
500 GMS
1 KG
Nanco Nutrition - 100% Hemp Protein

Product Description

Hemp Seeds have been consumed as a potent source of energy, vitality & nourishment for centuries - Backed by Ancient Ayurveda & now by modern medical science.

We at Nanco Nutrition proudly present this wondrous plant to help unlock your true potential.

100% Hemp is packed with the essential nutrition you need and deserve.

It is a powerful source of-

High Quality Protein- All essential amino acid profile.

Filled with Omega 3 and Omega 6 - reduces risk of heart disease.

A potent source of Magnesium- Muscle relaxant / stimulation

High in Dietary Fibre - Makes it easy to digest by all

Completely Non-psychoactive

*All orders will be shipped 3 days after payment

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