Support an underpriviledged child's education today!
The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdowns disrupted the life of millions of underpriviledged & homeless families. We've been working since day 1 of the nation-wide lockdowns to provide relief to Mumbai's poorest. Now, the children need your help to bridge the learning gap left by the pandemic.
ELF runs after-school education classes (Khushiyon ki Paathshala) to educate young children in basic numeracy & literacy skills. Additionally, we also create life-skills and social skill learning programs which help the children gain a wholistic learning. Arts, music & sports play a huge role in our education curriculum to allow every child to explore their creative side.
Today, we run 6 centers supporting 350 students. With your help we can scale up and reach to the next 500 students within this year. Just Rs.1000 can support a child's education for the full year! A little help from you can change a child's life.
About ELF
Enrich Lives Foundation was started out in 2020 by working professionals who wanted to make a positive impact for Mumbai's most vulnerable populations. Our long term goal is to invest in education for children and up-skilling for women to create a lasting impact for the communities that we work with. You can read more about us and our team at