DESIRE Society
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Yearly Child Sponsorship
Donate for one child one year sponsorship
Yearly Medication
Support a child medication for one year.
Yearly Child Education
Support a child for education for one year.
Yearly Nutritious Diet
Sponsor nutritious diet for a child for one year.
Monthly Health Care
Sponsor for a child for one month comprehensive health care.
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Caring For HIV AIDS Children

Make a Donation to DESIRE


Master Paulraj

Success Story of Master Paul Raj

The boy Paul Raj is 12yrs and weight 14kgs, was given admission at DESIRE Institutional Care Home (ICH) in Nov, 2012.The boy lost both the parents due to AIDS and unfortunately he is also suffering with HIV. He was literally underweight and had opportunistic infections (OIs) because of low immunity. Prior to DESIRE, Paul Raj had never been to school and used to pick his food from streets as his uncle's family is reluctant to support this boy. At DESIRE he was enrolled for education. DESIRE Society took special care for his psychological and physical needs and helped him by providing medical treatment and special nutrition.

Now, the boy has gained weight up to 22kgs with a stable health. He is able to attend school regularly and playing with inmates actively. We at DESIRE Society has committed to provide our best to save this boy and giving a hope of future with a quality and dignity.

Donations to DESIRE Society are tax exempted Under Section 80G of Income Tax Act of 1961, India. Please forward the transaction/reference ID and your postal address to track your donation and process tax exmpted receipt. Contact email id: Cheques and DDs can be drawn in favour of DESIRE Society and send to our central office address: Central Office: DESIRE Society: LIG-156 2nd Road, 6th Lane KPHB Hyderabad Telangana State, PIN: 500072 India. Ph:9505117777
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