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The Book: The Richness Principles

The Book: The Richness Principles

MRP Rs. 999/-

Description: About the book:

About the book: "The Richness Principles"

Have you ever felt the yearning to be a rich person? Have you felt the craving to enjoy and live a life that is full of abundance, money, success and happiness to the brim? Have you felt the urge not to work for money but rather see your money working for you? To be financially free?

Nine major facts that grabbed the attention of Taresh are: 

1.     A 2018 HSBC research report says that only one out of three Indians plans and invests for retirement. Seven out of ten expect their children to support them during their retirement phase. Every second Indian earns only for a happier today.

Besides, 53% save only for short term goals, says the report. 

2.     Most people opine that they are not destined to live the life of Richness. A survey by Fidelity Investments says, 88% of the billionaires are self-made. If they can, you too can! 

3.    Did you know that there are 3 key factors that determine whether you will live a life of fortune or in mediocrity for the rest of your life:

1.  Your habits that may reveal your money traits

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